Thursday, February 3, 2011

I’m feeling frustrated again.

Because the comments on the last two blogs were so meaningful to me. And I want to respond! But there is no time at the moment.

In the middle of The Move craziness, I am going out of town on a quick trip.

There are three or four blog posts begging for completion, but I am going to have to put them aside for a little bit and pray that the momentum will not be lost.

A valuable conversation has begun here. (And it's not over. Feel free to keep adding your thoughts to the previous post.)

In the meantime, if you haven’t already, please read the comments on the last one. I agree with my friend “L” that we have much to learn from each other.

Thank you so much to every one who took the time to write. We are all blessed by each other’s words. Every word of encouragement is a wonderful present. I pray a special prayer over each of you who shared your thoughts.

Speaking of prayer, there are several huge things that are heavy on my heart:

A family friend has just gotten the devastating news that her son has contracted HIV. Please pray for them.

Also, I’m sure most of you have heard the horrifying news of the mother who shot and killed her two teenage children while her Military Intelligence husband was serving in the Middle East. The father is a close family member of one of my middle child’s best friends. She has been staying with Amie since the tragic news, and will be flying to the funerals of her precious cousins today. There are no words possible, only prayers.

I know that many of you love to intercede in prayer for those who are suffering, so please join us in covering these families.

The life of my own family has been changed forever by the fervent prayers of kind strangers.

Prayer does change things.

God bless you.  

love, Kim


Anonymous said...

Dear, precious Kim,
Go attend to whatever you are needing to and do not worry that these discussions will lose momentum!! When something strikes a chord as these topics do, it is His Spirit that is accomplishing a greater work - and will continue to do so! Time allows space (as you've discussed in previous blogs - when we open up to it) for these questions and HIs answers to go deep and prepare us for further discussion! Momentum isn't going anywhere, other than maybe to a greater crescendo!!

Praying His continued blessings and peace to you!!

Anonymous said...

God bless you, Kim. Thank you for sharing and allowing strangers to pray for you, for Katherine, and many others.

Anonymous said...

Kim, prayers ABSOLUTELY do work ... God does listen! My family has learned this through my great-niece, Carolena and her heart condition. I put her on your prayer list when she was 10 months old. She is now 1 1/2 years old and just received the best news from both her Cardiologists! She can never be cured (or so they say), but is doing just great at the moment. She was not suppose to live to be born, she was not suppose to live thru the two open heart surgeries she's had. She was not suppose to thrive. Well thrive she has! This child has had prayers going up for her all her life and from all over the world. In fact, I think God has probably gotten tired of hearing the name Carolena at times ... LOL. I am so very thankful for every prayer that has been prayed on her behalf. She's a little miracle and we are thankful for every minute God gives us with her! Thank you for writing what you do. Yours is only 1 of 3 blogs that I read regularly. I enjoy hearing what you have to say and learn something each time I read it. And don't feel like you've got to respond to each comment. We are all busy and understand!